Michael A. Stecker


Pedro Re, Ph.D.
Lisbon, Portugal


Contact information
Astrophotography: http://www.astrosurf.com/re/
Marine Biology: http://www.astrosurf.com/re/index_bio.html
Locator Map
Level of accuracy: city of Lisbon, Portugal


I am a Marine Biologist and a Professor at the University of Lisbon / Portugal (Faculty of Sciences) where I teach Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography. I have a PhD in Animal Ecology (1984) and my current research interests deal mainly with the study of Plankton and Benthos Ecology.

I have been an amateur astronomer for more than 25 years, mainly interested in imaging the heavens (deep-sky but also the solar system). Over the years I have acumulated quite a few telescopes (300mm f/7.1 reflector, 222mm f/5.8 reflector, 150mm f/4 reflector, 100mm f/15 refractor, 100mm f/10 reflector) that are house in two different observatories (roll-off-roof and dome) located in central Portugal.  I began imaging the heavens using conventional emulsion-based photography but now have turned to CCD's. In 1994 I bought a Hi-sis 22 CCD
camera that I have been using together with a C14.

 Astrophotography publications
Astronomy, Astronomy Now, Ciel et Espace, CCD Astronomy
and Sky and Telescope

Fotografar O Ceu by Pedro Re (in Portugeuse)
How to photograph the night sky
. Plátano Edições Técnicas

Almeida, G. & P. Ré (2003). Observar o céu profundo (observing the deep-sky).
Plátano Edições Técnicas. 2ª EDIÇÃO.

Crato, N., A. Magalhães, A. Cidadão & P. Ré (1999). Eclipses. Gradiva.

CCD Deep-Sky Atlas
Deep-Sky imaging using a CCD camera

Observing site

see: http://www.astrosurf.com/re/dome.html

Astronomical Equipment
see: http://www.astrosurf.com/re/telescopes.html

Celestron 14-inch SCT
Takahashi FS128 refractor
Takahashi Mewlon 250mm F/12
and many more.

CCD cameras
Hi-sis22 CCD camera and MX916 CCD camera
SBIG CCD cameras: ST-7, ST-8E, ST-10XE

Canon Digital Rebel (300D)
Leica Digilux 1


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