Michael A. Stecker



NGC 4565 "Needle Galaxy"
Larger than our own Milky Way, NGC 4565 has about one trillion stars.  It appears as an edge-on barred spiral galaxy 30 to 50 million light-years from Earth in the cobstellation Coma Berenices.
file: NGC4565-comp230savgX46-Cel935f7-32023x1r&cr1a1-nsfl-2.jpg

Photographic Data
imaging telescope:
Celestron 9.25-inch EdgeHD SCT at f/7 (focal length 1,650 mm)
guide scope:
SVBony 60 mm f/4 (FL= 240 mm) guide scope with ZWO ASI662 guide camera (2.97 pixels)

iOptron GEM45

ZWO ASI533MC-Pro one-shot color astro-camera cooled to14-degrees F with Optalong L-Pro filter
240 seconds X 45 (3-hours)
photographic site:
West Los Angeles